Wednesday, February 14, 2007


now go buy Nakia's product!
Solo effort from Nakia "Playing The Cards" is honestly effing amazing! Please go to and take a gander. I was asked to illustrate the album and poster design all of which was layed out by Nakia himself. I'm excited as shit! I'm truely honered to have been asked to participate in this project. Not only is the album great and it looks...well it looks like this flunky (thanks for the nickname dad) did it....but Nakia is one helluva musician and a sweetheart of a man. If you ever see him out buy him a water (hold the ice) and buy his cd.

We're all...playing the cards.

Monday, February 05, 2007

It'll put hair on your chest.

When you take life head on...and you believe in yourself...and you make it happen. Nothing is put before you if you couldn't handle it. You only get one life. Make it count.

or if you're a lady it'll get rid of the hairs on ye toes instead of putting hair on your chest...

you get the idea.

nyquil is taking me away...get outta here have officially been LATER'D!

Sunday, February 04, 2007


you can call me that if you like.

It's sunday night and I had a very eventful/beautiful/emotional weekend. This week offers tons of new challenges along with many breaths of fresh air. I just went to HEB to pick up some Nyquil and nasal strips. I have a bit of a cough because I'm sure someone breathed on me last week while I was working and wanted me to caugh. Probably someone at the HEB on Oltorf and Congress. It's ok though, I'll beat this battle of *insert caughing here* Yucks soon enough. Now the Nasal strips you ask? They're to see if I can sleep better. It was brought to my attention that I stop breathing while I sleep. Not cool...kind of scary. My dad sleeps with a mask to force air into his lungs. His sleeping patterns used to scare the hell outta my mom. Now since I was informed of my sleep state, I've realized thats why I typically wake up groggy even after a good nights rest. I become tired throughout the day and wondered "what the hell for". Now it kind of makes sense. So I bought these little strips that has some adhesive on them that I put on my nose and it is to open my air ways. Kind of exciting you might not be tired tomorrow!


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