Monday, February 27, 2006
la la la la luh la la la laahhhhhhhh
Because of my research... I realize that on the week of April 26, 1985(if not to the day) I was sitting in my mothers white Lincoln Continental. It was probably a 1978-82, one of those years where the car was like 8ft long from the windshield to the front bumper. I remember it was white with white leather interior. It was dope. Well... my mother had to go to a funeral for A.J. Ploch. He was a the million dollar man behind the restaraunt my mother was a manager for. It was over cast and drizzly. I opted to stay in the car while my mom went and stood among the mourners. She left the radio on for music but a story came on. It was an audio tape of Rosemary's Baby. I was 7. It's just to bad that THIS (click the word) wasn't my mothers car. That would have been all too fitting and kick ass. My mom totally could have rocked a black Lincoln with suicide doors.