Monday, February 27, 2006
SO MANY KIDS!!!!!!!!
King for a day or two.
So my nephew turns 14 tomorrow. He was 12 hours away from being a leap year baby. Yesterday we celebrated his birth by eating squid and fungus at the Olive Garden. I passed the waitress a note informing her of his birthday. He was reluctant at first but was appreciative. They gave him a hair net to wear while they sang "LOUD ITALIAN SONG".
My cousin was in attendence as well as her two children. I remember her (my cousin) as being a slobbery whiney child. funny...her children seem to be carbon copies of mommy. My Dad and I have been a stable father figures to my nephew since day one. I say this with much pride. He is a fantastic young man. a bit lazy...but otherwise phenominal. He was never an overly needy baby...he pitched a fit but never out of control. He was never so much of a handful that anyone dreaded taking him anywhere or anything of the sort. While at lunch I thought about my generation and my nephews generation and raising kids. Growing up, my parents never used a video game system as a babysitter. Although I had one (nintendo) I was not enveloped by them for days/weeks/years. My mom gave me Highlights was good. goofus and galant, all that crap. She also bought me volumes of books geared towards kids my age (What to do when you mom and dad say "do your homework", Clean up your room) by Joy Wilt Berry. My mom still has them in the guest room of their house. What I'm trying to get at is is that I have a long attention span. I can handle concentration for periods at a time. Learning patience with a baby or young child is development on both parts, adult/child. I'm in no way saying that my cousin is a bad mom or anything of the sort...lunch was the longest period of time I had been in her company in over 7 years. Just watching her children act the same way I remember her acting was weird. The kids are super cute...just glad they aren't mine.
D is on the left. he likes to throw and jump and he also likes garlic covered bread.
S is on the right and she does not like it when plates are removed from the table. She prefers to throw them off the table herself.
On Saturday I got a see my other Niece and Nephew...They are awesome...and yeah I say this because rarely see them I'm sure but whatever. Gunnar was enthralled by the television so he didn't really say all too much. Rachel thinks I'm hilarious because I am. I'm your average laugh riot to a 4 year old. I'm the big oaf.