Friday, April 07, 2006


Friday...the day of all days. I get up... eat a banana...check the email...drink my diet Rockstar energy drink because they are hella good first thing in the morning...shower and dress...I'm out the door again. I'm driving down San Pedro and notice my gas gauge... gasp...almost E. That obviously means EXCITEMENT! because I will

a) run out of gas and have to walk to the store and buy a can and fill it and walk back a pray no one flicks a smoke out the window...incinerating me on the side of the road.

b) start to sweat bullets because I procrastinate everything...even getting gas because I don't like lines or having to pull into gas station parking lots, seriously passing 3 or 4 stations till I get to one I had in mind. for no particular reason...they are all the same.


c) I will get to cuss (which is my passion) outloud at current gas prices...and continue to excercise my passion while inserting my debit card. only to fill my tank half way.

u r soooooo colorful. and that's just like u! got to love it......& uuuuuuu
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