Saturday, July 22, 2006

In Dreams...

It's saddurday...a day everyone generally looks forward too. I know I do, I love them. Last night I had 3 pints of Fosters with Selle and Lisa, nothing out of control. I got in at around 230 am. This morning I wake up at 10. HUGE headache! Totally sucks. I blame it on drinking on the old empty stomach. my head is bangin'! like seriously I didn't even want to talk on the phone or even drive down the street for that matter. Jozul called from Mississppi and asked about Black Fever, he said I didn't sound too excited, I felt like a complete jerk face. I apologized and said I just had a killer booboo in the nog nog. So I go run errands and look for yard sales, no luck. I was looking for picture frames because Mr Kramerer sent me a huge package from Kentucky. SO AMAZING.
well I need frames. anyone have any ideas? BIG ONES! Within the package was an art print of this Gigposter for Flatstock...
and one of theseand one of theeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssseeeeeeeee......
You'll have to come over to see the rest. I'm stoked on them.

back to my story...

So I don't find a yardsale in the 400 degree heat so I go get some Pho for lunch. It was awesome and under 5 bucks! I almost choke on it, panic and decide to leave...only because I don't know the Vietnamese sign language for "help! I'm fucking choking on this delicious bowl of soup".
I walk into my apt at 2pm...take 4 tylenol and lay down...only to wake 4 hours later. YEP! my damn sadderday is gone! GONE DADDY GONE!
I had a dream that I was in Santa Monica working at Taco Cabana Headquarters and my desk buddy was Natas Kaupas.
We were the creative team behind taco cabana's ad's. Some chick in the office (who was a lady at the pho diner with a broken leg) kept saying she needed to make him a name tag and repeatedly asked me his name "it's Natas" I'd say..."what?" ...."NATAS" ..."good LORD, what kind of name is that?" ..." I told her it was Luthuanian. "how's it spelled?" "It's SATAN backwards". "she called me a jerk and walked off. So Natas and I were outside and he kept looking into his car
he said he just had it washed and was making sure it was ok...
he opened the drivers side door and showed me the floor mats, they were spinning slowly. HIS CAR HAD ROTATING FLOORBOARDS! they were half circles. the drivers side rotated clockwise and the passenger rotated counterclockwise. and they were spiral red and white . The backseat floorboard was like a red conveyor belt. I got out my camera and he asked if i was filming it..."yes"..."thats fantastic, could you put it on one disc for me? just one disc, not two?" I said sure. Next thing I know I'm showing him pictures of me sitting on an I beam thats like 50 stories high right outside of a building in Manhattan. I had "fro-ish" hair. Then I woke up. made a phone call along with a bag of popcorn. typing this , and now you are current.


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