Friday, September 08, 2006

i'm dying.

but who knows...between tv, cell phones, microwaves, cigarettes and quite possible the best sandwich ever in the world on fat ass day!!!! The Mikey Heartattack. Let me explain the wonders of such a snack...
Wheat bread toasted...check
x large egg bacon grease!....check
bacon fried crisp, no crisp....check
longhorn cheese...with garlic and pepper melted...check!

then stack as so
cheese bacon

It may give you a gasket blower so be near the potty...
or it will cease your very existance...and you'll die in the kitchen...MOUTH STUFFED!
or you will pass out in a coma of fatty heaven.
who cares right? I've eaten enough spring rolls this week to allow for some grub.

i've been slackin on ye blog for a minute I know...been mostly over at Flickr. i havent abandoned you entirely. your too good to me, oh blog of mine.


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