Monday, February 27, 2006


I've been know to walk like a damn monkey!

got me all blue in the face.
I found this old disc of pics...thought i lost it. but alas...i have not!
this is andy. he's from Virginia. sings for a goth rock band. fun.

Fangs for looking! have a good day.

ummmm....terror strikes?

la la la la luh la la la laahhhhhhhh

Fond little memory.
Because of my research... I realize that on the week of April 26, 1985(if not to the day) I was sitting in my mothers white Lincoln Continental. It was probably a 1978-82, one of those years where the car was like 8ft long from the windshield to the front bumper. I remember it was white with white leather interior. It was dope. Well... my mother had to go to a funeral for A.J. Ploch. He was a the million dollar man behind the restaraunt my mother was a manager for. It was over cast and drizzly. I opted to stay in the car while my mom went and stood among the mourners. She left the radio on for music but a story came on. It was an audio tape of Rosemary's Baby. I was 7. It's just to bad that THIS (click the word) wasn't my mothers car. That would have been all too fitting and kick ass. My mom totally could have rocked a black Lincoln with suicide doors.

SO MANY KIDS!!!!!!!!

King for a day or two.

So my nephew turns 14 tomorrow. He was 12 hours away from being a leap year baby. Yesterday we celebrated his birth by eating squid and fungus at the Olive Garden. I passed the waitress a note informing her of his birthday. He was reluctant at first but was appreciative. They gave him a hair net to wear while they sang "LOUD ITALIAN SONG".

My cousin was in attendence as well as her two children. I remember her (my cousin) as being a slobbery whiney child. funny...her children seem to be carbon copies of mommy. My Dad and I have been a stable father figures to my nephew since day one. I say this with much pride. He is a fantastic young man. a bit lazy...but otherwise phenominal. He was never an overly needy baby...he pitched a fit but never out of control. He was never so much of a handful that anyone dreaded taking him anywhere or anything of the sort. While at lunch I thought about my generation and my nephews generation and raising kids. Growing up, my parents never used a video game system as a babysitter. Although I had one (nintendo) I was not enveloped by them for days/weeks/years. My mom gave me Highlights was good. goofus and galant, all that crap. She also bought me volumes of books geared towards kids my age (What to do when you mom and dad say "do your homework", Clean up your room) by Joy Wilt Berry. My mom still has them in the guest room of their house. What I'm trying to get at is is that I have a long attention span. I can handle concentration for periods at a time. Learning patience with a baby or young child is development on both parts, adult/child. I'm in no way saying that my cousin is a bad mom or anything of the sort...lunch was the longest period of time I had been in her company in over 7 years. Just watching her children act the same way I remember her acting was weird. The kids are super cute...just glad they aren't mine.

D is on the left. he likes to throw and jump and he also likes garlic covered bread.

S is on the right and she does not like it when plates are removed from the table. She prefers to throw them off the table herself.

On Saturday I got a see my other Niece and Nephew...They are awesome...and yeah I say this because rarely see them I'm sure but whatever. Gunnar was enthralled by the television so he didn't really say all too much. Rachel thinks I'm hilarious because I am. I'm your average laugh riot to a 4 year old. I'm the big oaf.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

If you have an extra 300.00...

and don't mind walking for miles to get to a venue...then SXSW is right up your dirty alley.
Here is the schedule for this year. It's in capital of the universe or whatever.
For the amount of 300 dollars (if I'm not mistaken) you can get a wrist band to go see unlimited shows, that is unless of course the venue is not at full capacity or a riot breaks out over Julien Lennon throwing his belt into the crowd.
I went a two years ago and bumped into Jason Lee , that was fun.
The absolute best thing about South x south west is FLATSTOCK. This is held in the austin convention center downtown with concert Poster artists from around the world selling posters, art prints, SWAG. Check out the link I have for to get more information. The last SXSW i went to i parked on 5th for free, walked to sixth street and saw Flogging Molly for free from the street (they played Emo's outdoor stage). A fight broke out and the paddy wagon showed up. it was good. I was with Karin, Mig, Gabel while young Max was off with friends. good memories. psssst flatstock is free.

B stands for...

Bronco Bills BMW bass, Bridgette P. eating at TONGS

awe all seems as if a dream.
Thanks to my peeps at Tong's Thai for filling my emotional void with some top notch grub.

I took this a few weeks ago at the flea market.
She is a very classy classy chick...and an awesome woman.

oh, and just so you know!!!!! sucka's


some old boards

This is for Mr. Imagine out in Cali.
The boards I was trying to send over.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

for your viewing pleasure...

So this dude Grabbed N.P.D.'s ASS!
not really. but it would appear so.

this is the night the highways shut down because of sleet and ice and other oddities. I had nothing to do with that.

I'm not gonna repeat the story again. the pictures are worth a thousand words each. have been blogged! did not get any pics on my blog because there are plenty other pics of you from someone else's camera that are aparently floating around...and you know exactly what I'm talking about.
I did not upload the video of the cab ride but it is on dvd/vcd.
I am now sober and for good reason.
oh and the next day I painted this on this fantastic young fellas wall. His name is Junior and he likes no attention to the glare spots in the pic. That is his broken board on the wall. He's got good taste.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Doom Dooom Dooooommmmm!

There was a count of 6 Hurricanes.
A couple hours unaccounted for...
Cabbie giving us the boot from the cab...
Snakes stealing cabs...
why was queso and fajita involved?
Violent mornings...
tylenol extra strength...
Liters of water...
case of gatorade...
credit card in pocket.
had no idea what was being recorded...
dancing at the club....
lost jacket.

Friday, February 17, 2006

If I'm not mistaken...I met this fella at the warehouse (coulter and JB)...back in 1997...I think it was the Real demo...Drake Jones/Coco Santiago and crew were there. I think even bobby puleo. Geez that was hella long ago. well blog, this is Weed, Weed, this is blog.

I don't know how they mix the heroin in with the caramel but they do. and vanilla soy makes a world of creamy difference.
snack time!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Sofa King

FLACO got drums. Happy Birthday sonny!

then Flaco colored it.


The year was 1999. I was going through the classifieds daily looking for a job. I was living in Universal City with Mcgee. Broke. I see an ad for a Meat Truck Driver. I'm all about it. I go to the address it had listed and find the company was located in an industrial park. There was a fleet of trucks (like in the pic above) with little deep freezers in the back. I talk to a lady who was sitting at a make shift desk and she gives me an application. I go sit and fill it out and look at all the characters in this warehouse flat. There were other applicants scattered about. There was a really cute girl sitting alone filling out an application when this big dude (350lbs+ with a mullet) came up to her and you could see she was seriously uncomfortable. I walk over and sit next to her (cock blocking the schlub). I tell her..."I'm glad you made it...I didn't see you walk in...I was sitting over there". She took the que and went with it. "I tried calling before I left but I got your machine." Schlub decided to leave without telling us goodbye. Sadness set it. She then thanked me for saving her and finish our apps and turn them in.
It turns out the position is to drive around town and find people at gas stations and say..."I was just delivering these Porterhouse steaks to Jim Bobs Steak Hut and I have some left over. I can make you a deal if you want'em. I can't take them back to the warehouse". Very weasely job. This was told to us by a Kirk Cameron look alike. We get to drive a company car we just pay for gas...take the frozen meat and don't come back till it's gone. I get called into the office to talk to the Manager. I go in and he looks like Kenny Rogers and he has this Nubian Princess that looks like Michello Indegayochello (sp?) SITTING ON HIS LAP! I take my set and he pats her on the bottom as if to get up...she proceeds to move but not without a sloppy tongue slobbery yuckckkk I'm watching a bad dirty movie kiss. As she leaves she passes me and trails her fingers along my shoulder. The first thing the boss says is...."We're a close family here" closed with a wink. Then his WIFE walks in! middle aged white woman. gives him a wad of cash and leaves. He tells me about the business and how they are all friends and hang out away from work and just keep a really close unit. I'm shocked...I just wanna make some cash and buy cd's. I thank him for his time and leave his office. But not before I shake his hand. The hand that didn't seem to want to let go of mine. uggggghhhh. So I go say goodbye to the girl and I get her number. Well...I went back the next day...not to work but I was looking for that chick. We talked on the phone the night before... and seemed awesome. so I get to the industrial park area and end up waiting 45 minutes till i see her pull up in the truck...with schlub! of all people. I catch her as she is leaving in her own car... we go eat dinner and she tells me about how Camaromullet kept hitting on her. He made it a point to be her escort for the day. I could go into some disgusting detail but I'm at work. and you seriously can just figure it out for yourself. Needless to say...we did not go back to the meat truck job after that day. Creepy.

Break Beats.

Yeah... I can't stop screaming.

Too keep from hanging around the same places.

I want to buy new furniture one day
. This will one day be 8ft tall.
like me...totally bullet proof.

a king in my own right. Bleeding from my cranium.

Moosh Moosh on the sideway...get out the way.

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